This programme aims to give participants a clear understanding of the difference between their day to day activities versus Strategic Thinking.  Using the introduction to the Hoshin Kanri strategic framework, attendees will receive a structured approach to use in building their strategic thinking.  This framework will also allow them the opportunity to use this to influcene other stakeholders.


  • Understand the difference between Strategic Thinking versus tactical day to day.
  • Have a clear understanding of the Hoshin Kanri Strategy Framework.
  • Understand how to use the framework to align activities in their department or function.
  • Gain the confidence to influence others to drive strategic alignment and priorities


Suitable for anyone interested in improving their strategic thinking and broader their mindset for long term outcomes.  


1/2 day introduction

1 day deep dive with in-dept application


We will customise the activities based on the specific needs and seniority of the audience.  

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